Friday, March 6, 2009

Calgon Take Me Away....

Do you remember this commercial? Okay so I am probably dating myself, but that's what I feel like right now. I keep singing my theme song in my head "I need a vacation from my life", not that my life isn't blessed or anything like that. I am so sick of the icky sicky. Can we have a break???? Monday night Bitsy Boo got sick, I thought she was better yesterday so took her to the church, I clean on Thursday with a friend of mine. It's also my way of having a little adult conversation during the week. Anywhoo, Bitsy started crying and then threw-up, thank goodness she didn't have alot to eat, but still I felt so awful. My friends little boy was there and I am just praying they don't get sick. So I had to scratch my plans to into town, just to say I haven't been out of the house since Sunday, going a little stir crazy. When I got home, hubby didn't look so hot and said he felt sick, GREAT!!! So I spent the whole afternoon, santizing my house, the good news is I already have a jumpstart on my spring cleaning. About 3:00 p.m. we got a call from the school saying Big Buddies threw-up in the library, and you know all I could think is, well atleast I don't have to clean it up. I mean my little man is sick and that's the first thing that popped into my head. Geesh what's wrong with me. Needless to say Big Buddies is home from school today, it's a sick day, but on a happy note, my little lady is feeling better. So the question is who will get sick next?

So I can never end a blog post without pictures, here are a few pictures of my girlies from last weekend.


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